Puzzle Play: 5 ways to make learning fun with a puzzle!

February 19, 2021

Written by Kaycee Mirando

Is coming up with educational activities for your children a daunting task? Are you lacking time and energy to plan due to other commitments? You’re not alone if you answered yes to either of these questions! As the mom of a toddler, working part time, and  taking care of a household,I made a plan to foster more learning in our home.

My toddler learns best through playand I’m sure many of yours do too! He is always down for something new. I grabbed this Alphabet Peg Puzzle 2 Board Pack from amazon and started planning! My goal when implementing these puzzle play ideas was to teach him the alphabetbut it’s done so much more! From sensory play to gross motor skills and increased his language development with one simple toy! 

See below how we play with this Alphabet Peg Puzzle 2Boards Pack.



Here are five engaging ways to play with this colorful wooden Alphabet Peg Puzzle:

1.Alphabet SoupLanguage development

Here is what you need:(1) Alphabet Peg Pieces, (2) Potsplay kitchen pots or the ones from your cupboard would work too, and (3) Spoons for stirring.

Encourage language development and letter recognition by creating your own yummy alphabet soup. Will you have lowercase and uppercase letters?Only vowels? Maybe it’s a name soup! The soup ingredients are unique to each chef. Encourage your little to yell out what letter they’re mixing in as they stir, sniff, and slurp their alphabet soup.


Pictured: Boy stirring Alphabet Peg Puzzle pieces inside a pot with a large


2.ABC Hide & SeekGross motor playHere is what you need:

(1) Alphabet Peg Puzzle, and (2) a parent or friend to hide the pieces. 

Hide the Alphabet Peg Puzzle pieces inside or outside for a unique gross motor activity.Your little one can practice mastery of the letters by finding each one in hidden spotSome letters may be easy to spot, but others may not. Encourage your little one to jump up high and visually scan something a little above their height or lay on their belly reaching their arms out to see if it’s under the bed! By using all their senses, your child is sure to find the whole alphabet! Extend the activity by matching each puzzle peg piece to the board once it’s been found.


Pictured: Top leftX alphabet peg on a basketball hoop. Top rightY alphabet peg in front of a blue pillow. Bottom leftV alphabet peg in front of play kitchen items. Bottom rightalphabet peg sitting on stuffed animal.


3.Better TogetherImaginative playHere is what you need:(1) Alphabet Peg Puzzle, and (2) A stuffed animal, baby doll, toy figurineany kind of friend to help your little one complete the puzzle!

Everything is better with a friend! Have your little one choose friend to help complete the puzzle. Build confidence skills by encouraging pretend play as the dinosaur stuffed animal grabeach letter, being silly and eating those letters! Letters are not for eating,Silly Dinosaur! You’ll probably get some laughs out of that.*Mom Tip*-Make the activities a little less daunting by only offering up some letters versus all of the letters based on your child’s abilities.

Pictured: Stuffed animal helping child complete alphabet peg puzzle.

4.Unwrap it!Fine motor practiceHere is what you need:(1) Alphabet Peg Puzzle, and (2) Foil, wrapping paper, painters’ tape, rubber bands, cloth pieces, tissue paper, plastic wrap, etc.whatever you have at home to wrap the pieces in!

A low prep-high impact activity. Wrap each peg puzzle piece in a piece of foil or item of your choice. After your little one unwraps a peg puzzle piece, encourage them to identify what letter they’ve opened and what sound it makes! If your child doesn’t know the sound yet, teach them it. You’ll be surprised on what they pick up! Finish the activity by using the puzzle board to match the unwrapped lettersExtend the activity by having the child wrap each peg puzzle piece and play again.


Pictured: FirstSet up of Unwrap it! SecondAction shot of Unwrap it!

5.Squish & Search-A sensory experienceHere is what you need:(1) Alphabet puzzle and (2) Playdough 

Create small playdough balls to cover each alphabet peg puzzle pieceI offer a few at time to prevent a huge playdough mess*. Once your little one reveals the letter, encourage them to match each peg puzzle piece to the puzzle board. By using both uppercase and lowercase peg pieces children will be able to practice identifying their differences around kindergarten age. *Disclaimer: Playdough pieces will be everywherethat exhilarating feel of crushing and ripping the playdough apart is quite satisfying-Join in on the fun!

Pictured:First-Set up of Squish & Search. SecondAction shot of Squish & Search.

I hope some of these easy educational ideas inspire you to plan and play! Whatever skills you’re trying to address can be done with this Alphabet PegPuzzle 2-piece board. I’m a firm believer in learning through play and with these five activities you’re sure to have a great play!

-Kaycee Mirando